SD16女孩 Olivia Morgan 似乎預定在紐約的DP中推出。
在搬往洛杉磯4個月後,Joe 收到東岸賽車的一個邀請。是在一個大城市: 紐約。在夕陽下騎乘摩托車在高速公路上前往曼哈頓,Joe 遇到了一盞閃光並聽見了巨大的碰撞聲。白煙升起且汽油的氣味在大雨中發出惡臭。有人在灼燒的火燄中。是富有家庭的女兒 Olivia 和奇蹟之子 Joe 的故事。他們從高速公路上的一個交通事故互相繫上了命運的鎖鏈。若那一夜沒有下大雨呢? 若他們若未上那條路呢? 且若Joe和Olivia的家庭不在那裡呢?
有關於驚險地逃脫死亡的2人的劇烈故事的一片刻,和一個有自己的主張的年輕男孩。現在,洛杉磯故事的第一章節即將開始。And so begins Chapter One of the LA Boy's Story, in which the SD universe expands from Japan to the U.S. Beginning in New York City and moving across the country to Los Angeles, the Super Dollfie you know and love will change and grow as the cast of characters which are created far away in Kyoto come here to be a part of doll collectors lives.
Most SD collectors are already familiar with Yukinojo Sawagari, or "Joe". Introduced at Dollpa14 last December, Joe premiered as the first SD16 doll. Collectors loved his mature look and his edgy clothes, and as a character, he takes the look of the SD into a more mature age range. Now, as Joe's story continues, his life takes a dramatic turn as he comes to the US, only to find a lovely young girl in great peril on a wet road surrounded by flames. That girl is Olivia Morgan, the daughter of a wealthy family, and Joe's true soul mate.
Hideyuki Shigeta, Director of Volks Inc. tells us, "Tokyo Boys Story is opening a new chapter in the United States with a young lady named Olivia. We hope you will enjoy the new life of Yukinojo "Joe" Sawaragi who moves to LA as a member of the fighting athletes and how he is going to face a new story and begin a great friendship in the new land called the United States of America with his meeting Olivia".
Creating an entirely new character is not a simple thing. It takes time and research, as well as the creative inspiration to conceive of a new personality and style more in keeping with a young woman who is no longer a little girl. We asked the talented artists of Volks Inc. to tell us a bit about the process of how Olivia came into being.
創造一個全新的腳色並不是一件簡單的事。需要時間和研究,以及創造性去設想一種新的個性和風格來詮釋一位不再是小女孩的年輕女性。我們請Volks Inc. 的天才藝術家告訴我們有關於創造 Olivia 的過程。
Akihiro Enku is the chief sculptor in Zoukei-Mura. We asked him about the process of developing a more mature young lady, one who wears high heels and is growing into becoming a woman. "I tried to give her the body of a goddess or to make it so that it would be goddess-like".
Akihiro Enku 是造型村的首席雕刻家。我們詢問了他有關於開發一位更加成熟的年輕女性的過程,一個穿高跟鞋並即將成長為一個年輕女人的腳色。"我設法給她如女神般的身體,或至少讓她看起來像是女神"。
He explained. "Visually, I was thinking of a body that was full of creativity and mystery, like the sculpture of Nike. However, the challenge of expressing the nature of SD and the SD hobby into the body of Olivia was very difficult and made me realize the meaning of design. I think design can be roughly described in one word- function. Design is a function to allow the creation of what is supposed to be and the accomplishment of that purpose. SD must keep becoming more sophisticated and evolve as a Dollfie in order to grow up. On the other hand, the passion for the original idea of SD, is that it can succeed as it is; that is the rightful purpose of SD. The Japanese often use such phrases as "to pour one's mind into" or "to give one's soul" to describe the creation process. I poured my mind into the shape of SD to make its' idea understood, which is to be loved anywhere in this world, and in any situation, to make the concept of SD into shape through function".
To begin the sculpting process, there must be a concept behind the character. According to Takashi Kitamura, a sculptor in Zoukei-Mura (who did all the characters of Tokyo Boys Story), "I always think of the image of the SD first before I design the head. I always imagine her or his expression, whether it will be bright or gloomy, their character, and their taste in fashion. Sometimes I think about how they would talk. I start making a rough sample when I come up with a basic idea in my mind. Then I work with make-up artists like Mikey to figure out the more detailed character, the shape of the nostrils, and the expression of the lips. In fact, most samples are declined during this process".
Mr. Kitamura also takes into account outside influences from the real world. "I always try to be open for inspiration from anywhere, for example, the scenery of the streets or the weather. I often think that "a girl in this town would look like this", or something like that. Of course, magazines, paintings, and movies are good inspiration as well".
In creating Olivia, the collectors are always considered, whether Japanese or American. According to Mr. Kitamura, "Most Japanese collectors enjoy life with their doll privately. But I was impressed how the American SD fans are open and natural about their hobby when I met them. I feel so delighted to see such enthusiasm from the American SD fans".
Mr. Enku added, "As a Japanese person, I find the American SD fans enjoy themselves with SD quite freely and openly. I think that the hobby is an expression or a way to love one's self. On the surface, it seems to be a gathering of people who enjoy the same hobby. But each one of them enjoys SD in their own way when it comes down to a personal level. I feel the satisfaction and joy of the owners is truly precious whether they are American or Japanese. As a SD creator, I always have the same belief and attitude in the creation of SD for each one of the SD owners".
Mr. Shigeta agrees, adding, "From the beginning, VOLKS has developed Super Dollfie based on the concept that it is "Another Oneself". It means that SD is a way to express the state of "its' owner's mind". We are quite impressed at how exactly the same the US owners feel about SD as the owners in Japan".
Doll collecting has truly created it's own universal language. As Mr. Shigeta says, "We have found that there is no difference in how naturally the owners care for SD whether they are American or Japanese whenever we see how they look at their SD, how they hold it, pose it, and change its. clothes, and how happily they talk about their SD. In fact, our Doll Doctor had the same impression when I asked his opinion about US owners".
As the sculpting process develops, the artists and designers are also collaborating on the next step- hair, make-up and costumes. Mikey, who designed Olivia's look, says, "Olivia's character is already decided in my mind and also in the story. She has a Celtic quality in her face and image. Therefore she has beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. I hesitated whether to make the color of her hair either blonde or red first. But I feel comfortable with her blonde hair now".
Olivia is a lithe 25" tall. Her high-heeled feet add to her stature, but she is also leaner than the other dolls, so she will have her own wardrobe. Mikey told us, "I hope we can have new clothes and shoes sold separately by the time we send the doll to the customers. But our first priority is the SD16 doll and default dress set. We hope to have V-Jeans for her, too. She has a more slender waist than SD13 and SD, so we will design pants just for her". In the meantime, she can wear the jackets and shirts of SD13 boys, so owners can do a bit of styling on their own before her official wardrobe is available.
Olivia's wig size is DD, SD size wigs will fit on her, but they may be big. Her eye size can be 14-16mm. She has 14mm as seen, to look more realistic and mature. But as Mikey says, "16mm is cute, too". Her pertinent measurements are all listed in FDQ's special issue, which will be available at the Tea Party on July 29th, as well as Volks Japan, the Volks LA store, and the FDQ website.
Olivia 為可變地25"(約63公分)高。她穿著的高跟鞋更加提高了她的身材,但是她比其它娃娃還要清瘦,因此她將有她自己服裝。Mikey 告訴我們,"我希望當我們將她發送給顧客的時候,能安排新的衣裳和鞋子分開販賣。但我們最優先考慮的事是SD16 娃本身以及原廠的服飾組。我們也希望有她的V-Jeans(牛仔褲)。她具有比SD13 和SD更加苗條的腰部,因此我們將為她設計褲子。" 在此之前,她可以穿SD13男孩的外套和上衣,因此在她的正式服飾推出前,所有者可以自己先做一點設計。Olivia 的假髮尺寸為DD尺寸。SD 尺寸的假髮也適合她,但它們或許會有些大。她的眼珠尺寸可以是14-16mm。她的原廠尺寸是14mm 讓她看起來較成熟擬真。但是 Mikey 認, "16mm 也很可愛。" 她正式的尺寸數據全部被列於 FDQ 的特別報刊中,可在7月29 日的茶會上,Volks 日本,Volks LA 商店,和 FDQ 的網站上獲得。
In it are two exclusive patterns, and shots of Olivia modeling different wigs and eye colors, to show just how versatile she really is. Many collectors may be wondering how the doll was named. Olivia Morgan is clearly a Western name, unlike previous SD names. It was a challenging process to evoke the right personality with the face and stature of the doll. Names were researched for meaning, spelling, and also to make sure the name was not one already taken by one of the existing Volks dolls. As Mr. Shigeta says, "Olivia is going to be a very important person in the story. Her name was chosen with the thought of her as not only a partner to Joe, who has loneliness in himself, but also for an American girl who is intelligent and modern but also adventuresome. We thank Ms. Pat Henry, the publisher of Fashion Doll Quarterly magazine, who gave us a lot of inspiration and ideas on her name".
其中有二個Oivia的專屬樣樣式和配在不同顏色的假髮和眼珠的照片,來顯示真正的她有多麼的多變。許多收藏家也許好奇此娃是如何被命名的。不同於之前其他SD的名字,Olivia Morgan 明顯是個西方的名字。命名過程充滿了挑戰,因為要讓名子喚起正確的個性以及娃娃的面孔和身材。命名過程包括研究名字的含意,拼寫,並確認名字不否已為現有的Volks玩偶所使用。如同Shigeta 先生所說的,"Olivia 在故事中是一位重要人物。為她命名時,不僅考量到她是寂寞的 Joe 的夥伴,也顧及到她是一位聰明,現代且愛冒險的美國女孩。我們感謝 Pat Henry,Fashion Doll 季度雜誌的出版者,給我們很多有關她名子的靈感與主義"。
Olivia sets a precedent for Volks Inc.. She is the first of their dolls to be introduced first in the United States, before Japan. This allows the American SD collector the first opportunity to buy this limited edition doll, which will be shipped from New York. A second version may be introduced at a later date in Japan, but for now, Olivia is a very special edition for the US. American collectors will get the first opportunity to meet Olivia at the Fashion Institute of Technology on July 29th, at the Dolls Party in New York City.
Mikey tells us, "We will have a great selection of one-off SD's for Dollpa in NY, such as SD Nana sweet dreams, SD Anais, SD13 Madoka, SD13 boy Tohya, SD13 boy Cecile and more! The artists who will do the make up are K.Mayura, Valico, Ciera, and others. Also I will do the make up for Tokyo boys story SDs. I am sure looking at these one-off models will be worth coming to this party!".
Judging by the incredibly enthusiastic response to the premiere event this July, the company may plan more events for the future here in the States. "Volks is planning to have another tea party at the Volks mansion in August. There will be lots of one-offs and a special exhibition of the new Super Dollfie FCS heads. I am sure everybody who can attend will have a great time with lots of excitement! VOLKS USA will be announcing more specific information and how to come to the party at their website".
"The most important thing that we have been trying to accomplish is to bring forth the nature of SD in the United States", says Mr. Shigeta. "We would like to see how the doll collectors in the US, the leading country of all figures, accept the Asian doll called Super Dollfie from Japan. We believe that SD can bring happiness to as many people as possible with the enormous value of its presence. We hope this exciting experiment is an innovative achievement in the doll world and presents some sort of joy in the future for doll fans all over the world".
"Finally, on behalf of VOLKS group, I would like to express my gratitude to Fashion Doll Quarterly Magazine and the all US doll collectors for giving us the opportunity to express out thoughts."
- Jul 04 Tue 2006 21:02
VOLKS 第一隻SD16女娃推出 Olivia Morgan